Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tin Can Christmas Lanterns

All family members: DO NOT READ THIS ENTRY!!! (You don't want to find out what you're getting for Christmas, do you?!)

I'm taking a break from this cookie business while I wait for replacement parts for the mixer. In the meantime, my holiday home-ec inklings are still holding strong. I have decided to embrace my southwestern location, and make some tin punch lanterns. Perhaps you have seen these. They're pretty simple to make. Any kid could do it, as long as they don't have the propensity to smash their fingers with a hammer. (Actually, many of us adults have that problem as well. Especially after a pint of Jack Daniels. Just kidding!)

Here's all you need to do to make your very own old-timey tin lantern. Save all of your old veggie cans (that is --gasp!-- if you eat CANNED vegetables, god forbid.) Or your Folgers coffee cans (even worse, I know.) Wash the inside of the can, remove the label, fill the can with water and freeze it overnight. Now you get to be creative: design your own pattern on a piece of paper. Simple line drawings and geometric shapes work best. Then, using a hammer and nail, after you've taped your pattern onto the can, punch the holes following your pattern. Remove the pattern, remove the ice, add a candle, and admire your fine craftsmanship.

At this point in the process, I was noticing that my lantern still looked a lot like a vegetable can. I'm going to the hardware store tonight to see if I can find some spraypaint that will give it an antique finish. Black paint also works well to bring out the pattern in dimly lit areas.

Send me pictures of your designs!


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