Thursday, November 17, 2005

Politics Do Not Belong On This Blog!

And religious propaganda has no place in a science class. Kudos to Dover, Delaware for electing eight new school board members, all of whom oppose placing "intelligent design" curriculum into the science classrooms. These people have so beautifully demonstrated that one can celebrate their religious faith in an appropriate setting, and still keep science classes talking about science. What a revolutionary idea! The plan is to teach "intelligent design" in an elective course on comparative religion.

Boo! to Pat Robertson, who not so subtly stated that the residents of Dover, in light of their turning against God (or so Pat would have you believe) would not receive any help from God should a natural disaster happen to strike their area. Pat, get your head out of the Old Testament! This is the twenty-first century. Vengeful God rants are sooooo first century BC. Get with the program, Pat: What Would [insert favorite celebrity here] Do? Boo! also to the Kansas folks who are planning to sneak creationist rhetoric into the public school science books.

Some of you are probably saying to yourselves (or maybe out loud, if you're that kind of person), "Gee, this is all very interesting, but WHERE ARE THE *%$&!@# BORA BORA PICTURES???!!!" Okay, okay, enough procrastinating. You will hear more about Bora Bora very soon. I promise!


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