Friday, September 30, 2005

Costume Crunch Time

Tomorrow is October 1. Do you know what you'll be wearing for halloween? The pressure can be a bit daunting. You sit at your desk, staring at your computer in your teeny-tiny cubicle five days a week, 52 weeks a year (well, almost), and let's face it... you've forgotten how to be creative.

Don't cave in and buy those plastic costumes at the grocery store! Start planning now. Here are some inspirational ideas to get you started:

1. Funny hats

If you can't think of a real person, a character, a theme, an animal, etc., just wear a funny hat. Sure, it's a bit of a cop out, but it's better than nothing. Maybe you can come up with a story as weak as your costume to go with it.

2. Scary hair cuts

Hey, you can always shave your head into a mohawk. "I'm a punk rocker, man!"

3. Psychiatric patients

Okay, I'm back to the theme of hats again. For this one, just tell everyone that you are a schizophrenic for Halloween, and you're wearing a tinfoil hat to protect your brain, so that the aliens can't read your brainwaves.

You still have a month left. There is plenty of time to sculpt your papier mache favorite-political-figure mask, or knit that furry animal suit. Good luck and may the force be with you!


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