Steer clear of the butterbur!
I promise that this will be my last blog entry on the tea subject. One can only flog (or blog, heh heh!) an issue so much, and then one simply must move on to greener pastures and more fascinating themes. But in the meantime, I will share what I've discovered. For one thing, it seems to be much easier to find herbal decongestants that herbal antihistamines. You may not realize it, but you're already familiar with this stuff. Eucalyptus, peppermint and licorice teas are all good decongestants. And as it turns out, I don't have to grow the herbs in my back yard after all, because I already have a delicious Egyptian licorice tea, and a nasal passage-opening peppermint tea right in my very own cupboard. I don't know if they're going to get rid of the bags under my eyes (maybe the antihistamine is what I really need for that), but they sure clean out the old schnozzle. As for herbal antihistamines, I came across a plant called "butterbur". But I must caution you, everything I read said that certain parts of the plant are extremely toxic to the liver and can even result in liver failure. Thanks but no thanks, I say. I'd rather have the bags under my eyes. So... any requests for my next topic?

"Giant Butterbur" from

"Giant Butterbur" from
I have also been reading up on butterbur as a natural antihistamine. As it turns out it is the non water soluble pyrolizidine alkaloids in the plant that are to blame for liver damage. There is some thought that these compounds are not present in tea (because they are not water soluble) however; even though I have a plethora of the stuff growing in the front yard, liver failure is not a risk I am going to take! I guess until we figure out how those guys in the lab coats extract the good stuff we are limited to purchasing their pills...or doing without as you have suggested, and sticking to tamer herbs.
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