Saturday, January 07, 2006

Christmas Recap

Alas, at this rate I will never be a true blogiste.

But we have been so busy for the holidays, blogging has just not been on the radar. For Christmas, the family came down to Albuquerque and we ate and ate and ate, and then hiked a little out of guilt and remorse. There was also a lot of board game playing in the evenings, since the chances of us agreeing on the same movie were like George Bush having a change of heart and pulling the troops out of Iraq tomorrow. I am one of those geeks who loves boardgames. My sister, on the other hand, was ready to chuck the damn thing across the Rio Grande by the third night.

Here are the highlights:

Favorite hikes:
1. La Luz trail, just north of the tram at the base of the Sandias.
2. Bosque, the "forest" (aka scattered cottonwoods, russian olives and scrubby stuff) bordering the east side of the Rio Grande as it passes through Albuquerque.
3. Walking Olive the dog along the irrigation ditches in the North Valley, Ranchos de Albuquerque.

Favorite games:
1. Cranium. We were pretty decently talented at this game, with the exception of the "zelpuz" word scrambles, which absolutely blew. Melissa, where are you when we need you?! On the other hand, Tom was a genius at "sculpturades". I'd pick him first for my Pictionary team any day of the week.
2. Imaginiff. The box in the store had lots of little gold stickers on it that said they had won lots of awards, so I bought it. The premise is this: everyone writes their name on the board, and when that name is landed on, you use it in the blank on the game card, such as:
"If ____ were a color, what color would he/she be?"
a) beige
b) lime green
c) hot pink
d) royal blue
e) pure white
f) black
You all vote, and those who picked the most popular choice get a point. Some people are shocked at how others see them. I remain shocked at how my dad remains in his own world. When everyone else voted that my sister would most likely spend new year's eve "passed out at 11:59pm at a raging party" my dad was the sole voter that she would "spend a quiet evening at home with the family". Go figure.

Stay tuned for posts on New Year weekend in Estes Park, Colorado.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Predictably, I was home on New Year's Eve kicking some butt at Cranium. One highly inebriated houseguest, a colleague of mine, was deeply freaked out by me -- not by my brilliant anagram skills but by what he viewed as my telepathy with David. At 2:30 a.m. said houseguest was insisting upon a third rematch and a 15th drink. (Wish I were kidding. And his wife doesn't drink.) Then he was up at 8 a.m. eager to discuss theory. In the words of Comic Book Guy: Worst. New Year's. Ever.

11:57 AM  

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